Merch as an advertising strategy

When bands have become popular enough to land their products on the shelves of stores, merch stories becomes an integral part of the process. This is where artists and labels are tasked with selling overstock items that would otherwise be discontinued in order to make a profit. However, as merch stories become more common (as […]

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How did the world change in 2000?

With the advancement of Artificial Intelligence, there is a need for humans to come up with better ways to create content for websites and blogs. In some ways, it’s said that AI-Powered Copywriting will replace humans in the future; however, it is believed that A.I.-P.C. makes the more tedious tasks of content creation easier and […]

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A street scene with people walking and cars driving by

The 1950s were a time of change for many things, including movies. They have since evolved into much different stories than they were in the ’50s, but some scenes in these movies have remained true to their story. This article explains which movie scenes are still surprisingly similar to the original versions and why they […]

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How can I make the most of my time?

Conventional wisdom says that a typical American adult spends 8 hours a day sleeping; in reality, they spend just over 4! This is pretty interesting because according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American adult only has 3-4 hours per day available for work. In other words, Americans are working more than 2 […]

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